

The Strongstown Methodist Church was built in 1882 on land donated by the Strong family. The cost to build the church was $2,500 during the pastorate of Rev. Nelson Davis. The trustees at the time were: Abram Bennett, William Bennett, A. A. Bennett, Daniel Orner, Grant, Orner, Nicholas Altimus and Henderson Bracken.

In January of 1949 stained glass windows were placed in the church and dedicated by Jonathan Duncan Schrecengost. The windows were purchased as memorials for loved ones by:

  • Mr. & Mrs. N.D. Strong in memory of Alton & Elvira Strong
  • H.M. Altemus family in memory of wife and mother Carrie Altemus
  • Altemus family in memory of the parish
  • Alex & Jennie Bnnett in memory of parents
  • W.T. Bennett in memory of his wife Gertrude
  • Harry Graham in memory of Allen & Cora Graham
  • Sue M. Swanger in memory of Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Uncapher
  • Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Swanger & daughter in memory of Susan M. Swanger
  • In memory of Nicholas D. & Anne M. Altemus by Sons & Daughters
  • Dr. Laird D. Altemus in memory of Father & Mother

The oak pews and red oak flooring were purchased and given to the church by Alex Bennett.

This painting is presented in loving memory of Alex Bennett and Alice (Berringer) Bennett. The Strongstown Church, “a quaint little country church”, held a very special place in the hearts of both of them. The church is where Alex and Alice met as teenagers in the mid 1940’s, and according to Alice, there was a special ‘spark’ when they met.

Alice lived in Strongstown and attended high school in Heilwood. Alex lived near Dilltown and attended high school in Armagh. They would see each other only on Sunday at the Strongstown Church.

Upon graduating from high school, Alex joined the Navy and Alice went to Cleveland to seek employment. They corresponded with each other regularly, writing letters on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Alice insisted the ‘spark’ was still there.

Upon his discharge from the Navy, Alex returned to the area and their relationship grew. In 1953, they were married and spent 67 happy years together. Alice had kept a photo of the Strongstown Church with her all this time and upon marrying Alex, she asked a family member to make a painting so she could hang it on her wall and look at it every day.

Alex and Alice have both passed and since this story began in this “quaint little country church” the family thought it would be a fitting place to hang the painting.